The poem is an essence
by May Sarton
The poem is an essence.
It captures perhaps a moment of violent change but it captures a moment, whereas the novel concerns itself with growth and change.
Photo by Anna Zesiger
About the poet: About May Sarton, George Ballin said, “She examines her thinking in the open, so that one can see what a writer is, what is being accomplished, why, how. This artist reveals herself fully, and outlines the spirit of the times as well." What makes the human experience exceptional is our power to imagine—crafting meaningful narratives. We therefore hope to showcase poems that find and illuminate life’s natural corners, enduring in their faith and active response to the human condition that they help shape. Accordingly, Anna Zesiger and the editors at The Napkin Poetry Review have chosen Sarton’s statement below as a template of imaginings.
Anna Zesiger on the visual interpretation: “Photography’s beauty lies in its ability to observe and investigate our everyday experiences—revealing hidden details, treasures, and traces. This photo specifically reflects on how life’s journeys often feel like lotteries, with both blind faith and strategies as interesting contrasts to portray.”